Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Another Project

As you may have noticed this blog has fallen into disrepair.  This isn't because I don't love it, but because I have no time for reading.  I'm always blaming my school and work for this, but I also have other personal projects that cut in on my reading time (I like to keep busy!).  Today, if you'll indulge me, I want to tell you about one of my other projects.

As you may have noticed I enjoy drawing.  I've posted a few doodles here when I've had nothing to write about.  I've also been posting doodles in other places more doodle oriented.

One of my favorite places to hang out with art related ambitions is Threadless.  Threadless is a t-shirt (primarily) website where artists can post t-shirt designs.  The Threadless community then spends a week voting for the designs they think are the best t shirt material.  I've submitted designs, but they've always been denied at the submission process, but today I had my first small success!  One of my designs was accepted for voting!  It's small because I'm not even guaranteed votes and don't expect to make it to the printing stage, but I'm very excited!  The design is above and if you want to help me out I would love votes here.

Thanks and I promise to read something soon (well next I'll probably talk about Nanowrimo, but I'm trying!).

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Book 11: W.A.R.P. The Reluctant Assassin

By: Eoin Colfer

I just glanced back through my blog.  I haven't written anything since March 26.  Oops!  If it makes a difference I have been incredibly busy with work and school.  However, now that I only have work to worry about for a few months I should be able to read much more and maybe even share some pictures.  I actually got this book in the middle of finals week, things did not go well.

I have to start by saying I am a HUGE Artemis Fowl fan.  Artemis was my absolute favorite book as a child and even now I can't organize my bookshelf without reading a few chapters from Arctic Incident.  That being said W.A.R.P. did not live up to my ridiculously high expectations (I must emphasize that my expectations were not reasonable so this is not the biggest surprise in the world).  The story felt half baked and poorly edited.  I wasn't entirely sure what the characters' goals were until halfway through and they would often repeat or out right contradict themselves in the middle of a conversation.  This book was published less than a year after Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian, and it reads as though it was written in that amount of time as well.
My biggest disappointment with this books is the lack of clever plot twists and witty banter that I have come to expect from Eoin Colfer.  The characters seem stiff and, in the case of Chevie Savano, stereo typical.  I know Eoin Colfer can write time travel extremely well, but for some reason in this book all the twists were incredible predictable and dull.

I didn't like the book, but sadly I am no longer the target audience.  This book would be perfect for a young reader (ages 12 to 14).  I would recommend this for readers of Artemis Fowl, Avi fans, and Levine fans (I may be aging myself with my young reader selection).

6 out of 10

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Book Ten: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

by Mark Haddon

I gave up on Sylvia Plath.  It was a very difficult read and I can't be spending all my time on one book if I'm going to finish fifty books in a year!  Paul bought me this book the other day and it was excellent. 

The writing style of this book is interesting.  It's written from the perspective of fifteen year old boy with autism named Christopher Boone.  The perspective is fascinating on it's own but the intricate plot of the story is enthralling.  Mark Haddon does an amazing job of drawing all the seemingly unrelated threads together while allowing the reader to see the world through Christopher's eyes.  Reading how Christopher pieces together the mysteries that present themselves in his life and understands the people around him is enlightening.  The book is worded in such away that it is perfect for small breaks.  The simple language makes it easy to pick up where you left off and be immediately reimmersed in the story.

I am not sure if this book is classified as young adult or adult fiction, but I would classify it as mature young adult.  The writing is easy to read, however the content could be difficult to comprehend.  

9 out of 10

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Schedules are Difficult

So I'm on spring break.  You'd think that means I have all the time in the world to do nothing but read and write.  I can officially put all the annoying school work on hold.  I don't even have any homework due until Friday after break.  It is during this week of nothing to do that I completely space on my Tuesday update!  I only made one successful Tuesday since making that announcement.  I haven't finished reading a book either (Silvia Plath's a tougher read than I expected).  It turns out even a week off is a busy week for me.  Anyway here's a consolation doodle I made while taking a break from one of my other projects.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Book Nine: The Boy in the Suit Case

by Lene Kaaberbol and Agnete Friis

I didn't actually have time to read, buuut I did anyway.  I decided to read something different since I've been reading a lot of YA and this was very different.  According to the front cover this genre is Nordic crime fiction, a genre I have never heard of but I'm suddenly a fan.  Now that I've completely fallen behind on my midterm studying I'm still happy I picked this book up.

I loved everything about The Boy in the Suit Case.  It is well written, the plot is amazing and suspenseful, and the characters all all unique and relatable.  I was surprised by the quality of the writing.  I'm not sure if this is a translation or originally written in English.  If this is a translation it is amazing, it reads as though it's original language is English, complete with beautiful descriptions and word play.  I have never been to Denmark or Lithuania, but I could see the setting as clearly as if the authors had shown me a photograph.  The only hic up is that temperatures are poorly translated into Fahrenheit, but this flaw is minor and easily over looked.  The plot had me on the edge of my seat.  I found my self shouting out loud at Nina for her idiocy from time to time and cheering for Sigita.  Each of the characters has their own unique set of strengths and flaws that left me feeling like I'd met each of them in real life and they are all now my personal friends.  In short this book transported me to the criminal circles of Denmark and Eastern Europe from the comfortable safety of my own couch!

I would recommend this book to any adult reader!  I must include the warning though that this book does contain quite a bit of violence and implied sexual abuse so I'd give it a strong PG 13 probably R rating.  The book is suspenseful and had my attention until the very last page.  Definitely pick this up if your looking for break from the everyday.  

11 out of 10

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Book Eight: Insurgent

By: Veronica Roth

I finally got my hands on a copy of Insurgent and time to read it!  This weekend was a wonderful combination of no homework and no grading.  I loved Divergent and was looking forward to this book and it did not disappoint!  

The characters in this series are well written and unique.  I found each of them relational in their own way.  Beatrice's internal struggle is engrossing.  The reader is pulling for her to overcome her trauma induced failings, while at the same time relived that the trauma was enough to induce such a phobia.  There are massive amounts of character growth in both Tris and Four, but I found the development in both Christina and Peter most interesting.  There is nothing better than a series where even the secondary and minor characters grow.

Like Divergent I recommend this book to any young adult readers who enjoy sci fi.  The writing is smooth and easy to read.  I would expect readers of all ability within the genre to enjoy with novel.  This book is similar to Hunger games with teens fighting for what the believe in crossed with Uglies sterile world set in black and white.

9 out of 10

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Maintenance: An Update Schedule

Just a Maintenance Note

As my reading time is severely cut back by school and other projects I find myself worrying about maintaining this blog.  I originally intended to post a blog every time I finished a book.  With a relatively short amount of time and quite a few books to read I assumed I would be finishing books fairly regularly.  Unfortunately I seem to be indulging binge reading.

I have decided to update my bog every Tuesday and sometimes Thursday whether or not I have a new book finished.  If I finish more than two books in a week I'll post more than two blogs, but I will always post at least one blog every week.  Hopefully this will get me reading more regularly so that I have something to post about, but it will definitely keep me active online.

Here's hoping you're finding more time to read than I am!